
Affirmation Deck

For Mamas



Sound Familiar?

"I need me time but I don't even know what to do with it if I get it."

Do you find yourself wishing to carve out some space for yourself each day but have no idea where to start?

Use these affirmation cards to begin getting back in tune to yourself. All it takes is a couple of minutes.

Print and cut out the affirmation cards.

I recommend using card stock for durability.

Pull one each week or each morning and place your favorite affirmations in visible/high touch places such as:

on your car’s dash board,

on your computer monitor,

on your bathroom mirror,

in your day planner,

on your refrigerator,

by the door you use most often,


in your journal to reflect on,

and just begin saying and choosing to believe nice things about yourself. 

I highly recommend pulling an affirmation card as part of a morning practice that also includes meditation and/or journaling.

Only have time or capacity for one? Then these affirmations are the perfect place to start.

Why Affirmations?

Affirmations give you the power to change your negative thinking patterns and replace them with positive thinking patterns.

Affirmations can assist you in accessing a new belief system.

Affirmations can bring positivity back into your life and help regain or increase your self confidence.


"One of the key psychological theories behind positive affirmations is self-affirmation theory (Steele, 1988)."

"...there are empirical studies based on the idea that we can maintain our sense of self-integrity by telling ourselves (or affirming) what we believe in positive ways."

"...self-integrity relates to our global self-efficacy

—our perceived ability to control moral outcomes and respond flexibly when our self-concept is threatened (Cohen & Sherman, 2014). So, we as humans are motivated to protect ourselves from these threats by maintaining our self-integrity."

Check out the article linked above for more research about the proven benefits of practicing positive affirmations.

Believe that affirmations won't work for you?

Add a re-frame to soften the affirmation.

Try adding:

“I choose to believe..“ or “What if...”

to the beginning.

For example,

I choose to believe that I can do hard things.”


What if everything is working out for my highest good?”


Your brain will get to work to looking for evidence that the affirmation is true in your current reality,

not in a land far, far away or in the future once you've undergone major self-improvement.

These beliefs, and evidence of these beliefs to be true is available to you right now

I’m excited to share:

One Year of Weekly Affirmations for Mamas

because you deserve to remember how amazing you are.

This printable affirmation deck contains one full year of weekly affirmations to help you remember how powerful you are. 

Pick an affirmation card weekly (or daily, if you prefer!) to encourage you on your motherhood journey.

Here’s a preview:

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

1 Full Year

of Weekly Affirmations

for just $7

You deserve

to do something just for you.

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