Motherhood Momentum:

Maternity Leave to Working Mom Mastery

Congratulations on embarking on one of life's most incredible journeys: motherhood.

Transitioning into working motherhood can be overwhelming, but you don't have to navigate it alone.

Here at Having a Mom Moment, we understand the unique challenges faced by career-oriented mothers-to-be and new mothers. From the excitement of pregnancy to the demands of returning to work after maternity leave, navigating this transition can be overwhelming.

But it doesn't have to be.

This personalized 1:1 mentorship program is designed to empower you to thrive in both your career and your role as a mother. Through individualized attention and tailored guidance, we can support you at every stage of your journey, helping you overcome obstacles, build confidence, and achieve your goals.

Becoming a working mom may just be the most transformative experience of your life.

Don't walk it alone.

With one-on-one guidance and high-touch support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture yourself while you nurture your baby and your career.

Do any of these sound like you?

• You're struggling to balance the demands of work and impending motherhood.

• You're feeling overwhelmed by the prospect of returning to work after maternity leave.

• You're craving support and guidance on how to navigate career transitions during and after pregnancy.

• You're worried about the impact of motherhood on your career progression and opportunities.

• You're dealing with feelings of guilt and pressure to excel both at work and in your role as a mother.

If you’re finding yourself nodding along, you’re not alone…

If any of these resonate with you, this 1:1 individualized program is here to provide the personalized support, guidance, and resources you need to thrive in both your career and your journey into motherhood.


Motherhood Momentum: Maternity Leave to Working Mom Mastery

This personalized 1:1 mentorship is designed to provide new mamas with the individualized attention and support they need at every stage of their maternity leave and working motherhood journey.

Whether you're currently on maternity leave, preparing to return to work, or already navigating the challenges of balancing career and motherhood, I am here to guide you. This 1:1 program is tailored to your unique needs and goals, helping you build confidence, overcome obstacles, and thrive as a working mom.

Let's Transform Your Motherhood Experience:

Feel More Confidence and Clarity

No more second-guessing yourself or feeling lost in the transition. You'll receive personalized guidance to help you gain clarity on your priorities, strengths, and goals, empowering you to make confident decisions and take decisive action towards your success.

Find More Balance and Harmony

Say goodbye to the constant struggle of balancing work and motherhood. This 1:1 mentorship equips you with the tools and strategies to create harmony between your professional responsibilities and your family life, allowing you to thrive in both areas without sacrificing one for the other.

Have More Support and Community

(Coming soon!)

Say hello to a supportive community of like-minded women who understand your journey. The mentorship connects you with a network of fellow career-oriented mothers-to-be and new mothers, providing a safe space to share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate successes together.

Step Into Career Advancement

Don't let motherhood hold you back from achieving your professional aspirations. Receive practical strategies and support to help you navigate the complexities of the workplace, advocate for yourself, and advance your career with confidence and determination.

Prioritize Your Wellbeing and Fulfillment

Reclaim your sense of wellbeing and fulfillment amidst the demands of work and motherhood. We prioritize self-care and personal growth, helping you cultivate resilience, manage stress, and find joy and fulfillment in both your professional and personal life.

Are you ready to experience the transformational power of Motherhood Momentum? Enroll today and embark on a journey of empowerment, growth, and success as a career-oriented mother.

You Determine When You Want Support & For How Long

Before Maternity Leave

During Maternity Leave

After Maternity Leave

One Month

Two Months

Three Months or Beyond!

Your experience starts with a one month commitment and then you choose to continue as you see fit.

Only need one month of support to hash out the details of your exit or return to work? Great!

Want a month of support to prepare for your return to work and an additional month once you're fully in working mom mode? Fantastic.

Want continuous support leading up to, during, and after your maternity leave? Amazing.

This is a truly customizable, choose-your-own adventure experience.

Not sure what you need? Let's chat!

How I Can Support You:

Each pregnancy, baby, mother, and career is different and that's why you deserve an individualized approach. Here are just some of the ways I can offer guidance & support during every stage of your maternity leave and working motherhood journey.

Leading Up To

Maternity Leave

Let Me:

  • Empower you to advocate for your needs in the workplace

  • Help you get clear on your employer's parental leave policies and your FMLA eligibility

  • Assist in determining how much leave to take

  • Show you how to prepare for any unpaid leave

  • Help you create a plan for the transition of your workload

  • Help you create your re-entry plan at work after your leave

  • Work with you to find reputable childcare

  • Assist in identifying and sourcing support in your personal network to uplift and help nurture you in your transition into motherhood

During Maternity Leave

Let Me Help You:

  • Tend to your unique needs while you take care of your new baby

  • Connect you with resources to support you in the fourth trimester

  • Overcome any of the unforeseen obstacles or struggles you may experience in post-partum

  • Remember how amazing you are on those tough days

  • Plan the transition back to work

  • Mentally prepare for leaving your sweet baby when you return to work

  • Make decisions by being an unbiased sounding board

  • Make a plan to manage breastfeeding/pumping and working

Returning To Work

Let Me:

  • Help you prepare for the transition to daycare

  • Support and cheer you on as you return to work and embrace your new role as a working mom

  • Help you advocate for your needs in the workplace

  • Help you streamline processes at work and at home when it all feels like too much

  • Be the confidant who “gets it” when you just need to vent

  • Help you manage the mental load of motherhood while working full-time

  • Help you focus on prioritizing your needs at home and in the workplace

  • Help you create a sustainable schedule to help you manage your baby, work, and everything in between

Are you past Your Maternity Leave and

well into your Working Motherhood Era?

You're welcome here! This 1:1 customized program is tailored to your unique needs and goals, helping you build confidence, overcome obstacles, and thrive as a working mom.

Let Me Help You:

Balance Work & Motherhood

Many career-oriented mothers-to-be or new mothers struggle with finding a balance between their professional responsibilities and the demands of motherhood. This can lead to feelings of overwhelm, guilt, and exhaustion as they try to excel in both areas.

Navigate Career Transitions

Returning to work after maternity leave can be challenging, especially for women who are eager to continue advancing in their careers. They may feel uncertain about how to navigate this transition effectively while still prioritizing their family's needs.

Implement Self-Care and Prioritize Wellbeing

Juggling the demands of work and motherhood often leaves little time for self-care and prioritizing personal wellbeing. Career-oriented mothers-to-be or new mothers may struggle to find time for themselves, leading to increased stress, burnout, and a decline in mental and physical health.

Maneuver Through Areas

Where Support is Lacking

Despite the increasing number of women in the workforce, many career-oriented mothers-to-be or new mothers feel isolated and unsupported in their journey. They may lack access to resources, mentors, or communities that understand and can relate to their unique challenges.

Navigate Career Progressions

Some career-oriented mothers-to-be or new mothers worry about the impact of motherhood on their career progression. They may fear being overlooked for promotions or opportunities due to assumptions about their commitment or availability as mothers.

Reframe Guilt and Pressure

Many career-oriented mothers-to-be or new mothers experience feelings of guilt and pressure to excel both at work and in their roles as mothers. They may feel torn between competing expectations and struggle to meet their own standards of success in both areas.

Not sure if Motherhood Momentum is right for you?

Book a no obligation discovery call to learn more.

A total value of: (Amount)

Buy/Enroll/Join now for just (Amount)

Secure Your Spot Now for Just $500/month*

*Special introductory pricing. Limited spaces available.

No Matter Where

You Are In Your Journey,

Your 1:1 Mentorship Includes:

  • Monthly 1 on 1 Fully Personalized Support 

  • 4 - 1 Hour Planning/Support Sessions Via Zoom Per Month

  • Private Voxer & email support Monday-Friday for the duration of your monthly enrollment

  • Support as long as you need it: start & stop at any time

    (after completion of paid month)

How Does It Work?

First, you'll receive the intake form.

Upon enrollment, you'll receive instructions via email to access the intake form. This is the first step in crafting your individualized plan. It helps me get to know you and where you're at on your journey and what your unique needs may be before we meet for the first time.

Next, we'll have an introductory call.

Within the week, I'll be in touch to schedule an initial meeting. (This is separate from the 4 monthly calls and is included in your cost of enrollment.) 

If you're planning or currently on maternity leave, we'll discuss the key dates of your timeline in order to begin crafting your individualized support and determine your start date. We'll craft the experience to meet your needs. 

Then, we begin our sessions.

This is where the magic happens! We begin meeting weekly to support you where you are in your journey. We'll consider all pieces of your unique puzzle to support you through this transition.

Ready to get started?

Have questions?

Book a no obligation discovery call to learn more.

Select the plan that works for you:

2 Part Payment Plan

One Payment

"Shannon exudes an energy that inspires you to be better for yourself, your family and the world. I love our conversations and what she brings to every interaction we have. Working with Shannon, in any capacity, is an experience that you will not be disappointed by!"

— Courtney P.

Mom of 2

"Working with Shannon in her 1:1 mentorship was a wonderfully positive experience for me as a new mom! Her guidance provided much-needed clarity during a challenging time. Shannon's empathy and expertise has helped me navigate early motherhood with confidence. I highly recommend her mentorship to anyone seeking support on their parenting journey."

— Mary S.

New Mom

Meet Your Mentor

Shannon Warner

Hi! I'm Shannon, a seasoned mom of two girls, and I've been navigating the complexities of working motherhood for over 8 years, during which I experienced two maternity leaves of my own. Through countless ups and downs, I've uncovered invaluable insights on what it takes to thrive as a working mom. Drawing from my educational background with a Bachelor's in Education and a Master's in Educational Technology, coupled with my leadership roles and extensive experience in operations and management, I've honed a personalized 1:1 mentorship program to spare you the trial and error of figuring it all out solo.

Becoming a mom and transitioning back into your full-time career is undoubtedly one of life's most significant transformations. It's a journey filled with uncertainty and countless variables. But here's the good news—you don't have to navigate it alone.

Let me be your trusted guide as you embark on this remarkable journey into working motherhood. Together, we'll navigate the challenges, celebrate the victories, and ensure you thrive in both your professional and personal life. I can't wait to embark on this journey with you!

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